Ariccia's Porchetta

The knowledge acquired throughout the years makes up a great asset, allowing the company to select the best and qualitatively superior pigs.

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Spreading quality since 1917.

The company was founded over 100 years ago and managed to grow throughout time, becoming a famous/notorious producer of Ariccia’s traditional porchetta


Ariccia’s porchetta has a thousand-years tradition. Given that they have been passed down from father to son across generations, the skill and expertise of producers play a crucial part in the creation of the good.

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Our Porchetta

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The story of Cioli Egidio

We at Cioli Egidio are a modern company but strongly linked to traditions, to the territory, to the artisan methods of processing porchetta. We were born in 1917 and have grown over time producing the typical traditional porchetta of Ariccia.



Trancio di Porchetta di Ariccia

Seasoned Products

guanciale al peperoncino e al pepe Cioli

Fresh Meat

costine BBQ piccante di Ariccia Cioli

Baked Products

prosciutto arrosto con osso di Ariccia Cioli
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Our Products

work withus


Thanks to its high-quality products, Cioli Egidio has managed to forge partnerships with the greatest retail chains of the large organized distribution (LOD), thereby overcoming the extremely rigorous controls that these players impose on their suppliers.
